Michigan Tech. University

                                       Winter Carnival 2000




       These are a few of the Ice sculptures that can be seen at MTU. Our #3 offspring is an alleged student at MTU. He was not sure of the Winter Carival theme, but thinks it has something to do with the new millennium. He also couldn't identify which group made which sculpture. Obviously he was spending his free time studying (or playing broomball!). I have, therefore, displayed the pictures with little comment.








                                           Intervarsity (Scott worked on this one)



                                                             Another view



                                                               A third view



                                                               Jungle Scene






                                                       Second church view



                                                        Mining on the moon



                                            Another view of Mining on the Moon



                                                              Space Colony



                                                    Space colony (second view)



                                                    Space colony (third view)



                                               Space colony (fourth view)



                                                   Transportation Past and Future



                                                         First female president



                                                     Honorable Mention category

       Not part of the program but this is a significant engineering feat just the same. This slide appears to be an escape route to get the boyfriend/girlfriend out of the bedroom when the parents arrive unexpectantly.                                                                     
